Famiglia Battisti

21 May 2020

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Potato roll

The potato roll is a culinary gem hidden among the delicacies on Chef Massimo’s menu. A simple recipe, with a rustic taste and few ingredients that makes you discover of the appetizing flavors of our land.

The potato roll with ham and cheese is an easy to prepare, tasty, practical and quick main course. Also perfect for the whole family: to prepare it at home the most difficult thing will be boiling potatoes.


600 g Potatoes
6 tbsp Parmesan cheese
1 egg
6 tbsp Flour

for the stuffing:

100 g ham
100 g Edamer cheese


Put the unpeeled potatoes in a pot full of water.
Boil until the potatoes are fully cooked and soft by pricking them with a fork.
Pass the potatoes through a potato masher and put them in a bowl with the grated Parmesan cheese, flour, egg and a pinch of salt.
Mix well all the ingredients then transfer the mixture onto a sheet lined with baking paper. (oiled or floured otherwise everything will stick).
Roll out the potato mixture and place the slices of ham and slices of Edamer cheese on top.
Roll up on the long side and close the potato roll tightly inside the baking paper.
Put the roll directly into a pan in a preheated oven at 200° for 25 minutes then remove the baking paper and let it finish cooking for another 15 minutes.
Remove the potato roll from the oven and wait a couple of minutes before serving it.